Just Like A Prayer…The Words Will Take Me There

Writing what you know; what you feel in your gut instincts are akin to the sensations of ecclesiastical pop nirvana when Madonna rocks her opus ‘Like A Prayer.’ Now, we are not Madonna, but we understand her catharsis in belting words that bare her soul in the medium that makes her most at home. For us, that medium is the written word through a cross-genre perspective. In the case of our newest story, CATHEDRAL 1 A.M., whose draft was finished just today, it is an expression of surreal religious horror that makes us feel true to our soul. A soul searching journey into the all too strange realm of the Catholic Church at the witching hour of Judgment, this story is going to take us and hopefully someday audiences into a whole new realm of thought and spook. Right now, we’re going to celebrate completing the draft of an honest to God novella, woo hoo!


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